
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


accord[E5kC:d] n.1.一致,符合:The two sides are completely in accord on this matter. 双方在这个问题上意见完全一致。 2.(尤指国与国之间的)正式协议,条约:an accord between countries 国与国之间的条约 vt.授予,赠与,给与:We accorded him a hearty welcome.= We accorded a hearty welcome to him. 我们给与他热烈的欢迎。

activity[Ak5tIvItI] n.1.[C]活动:I have a lot of activities which take up my time. 我从事很多活动,时间都被填满了。2.[U]活力;活动性:The house has been full of activity all day. 房子里整天都很热闹。


admission[Ed5mIF(E)n] n.1.[U]准许进入;准许加入:No admission. 禁止入内。 / Admission to this school is for boys only. 这所学校只接受男生入学。 2.[U]入场费;会费:Admission to the concert is$20. 这场音乐会入场费是20美元。

adult[5AdQlt] adj. 成年的;已成人的:an adult man (woman) 成年男子(女子) / adult (basic) education 成人(基础)教育 n.[C]成年人:These films are suitable for adults only. 这些电影只适宜成人观看。

advertisement[Ed5v\:tIsmEnt] n. [C,U] 广告,宣传:the advertisement page 广告专页 / A lot of people replied to our advertisement. 有许多人对我们的广告作出了反应。

【说明】1.advertisement也可略作advert或ad:ads for selling cars 销售汽车的广告2.advertisement 是可数名词,相应的不可数名词用advertising。3.名词advertisement与动词advertise的重音位置不同,不要读错。

alike[E5laIk] adj.相似的,相同的:The two sisters are very alike. 两姐妹非常相像。 / They were all dressed alike in white dresses. 他们都是一样的白色装束。 adv. 同样地;照样地

【说明】许多以 a- 开头的表语形容词(如asleep, awake, alone等)习惯上不受very修饰,但alike是例外,它不仅可受much, very much的修饰,也可受very的修饰(类似地还有very afraid, very ashamed, very alert等)。

amount[E5maJnt] n.1.[C]数量,数额:This school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects. 这所学校在时间安排上努力做到文理并重。 / Equal amounts of flour and sugar should be added to the mixture. 应在混合物中加入等量的面粉和糖。 2.[C]总额,总数:Can you really afford this amount? 你真付得起这个总数吗? vi.1.总计,合计:Sales up to and including last month amounted to £10 000. 销售额至上月底为止达10 000英镑。 2.(在意义、价值等方面)接近,等于:This same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to disaster. 同样的事,如发生在战时,就会酿成大祸。

【用法】a great [large] amount of后通常接不可数名词,用作主语,谓语的数取决于amount的数:A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.=Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 在这座桥上花了大量资金。但在现代英语中(尤其在美国英语中),有时其后也可接复数可数名词(尤指大宗货物时):The shopkeeper had a large amount of oranges in his storeroom. 店主在货仓里存有大量橙子。

ancient[5eInFEnt] adj.1. 古代的,古老的:ancient Rome 古罗马2. (口语)过时的:my ancient car 我的老爷车

announcement[E5naJnsmEnt] n.[C,U] 通告,通知:broadcast an announcement 广播一则通告 / The announcement took the students by surprise. 这一通知使学生们大吃一惊。


anyway[5enIweI] adv. 不管怎样,反正:Get the job done anyway you can. 不管以何种方式都得完成这项工作。

apology[E5pRlEdVI] n. 1.[C]道歉;歉意:I must make an apology to your aunt for forgetting her birthday. 我把你婶婶的生日给忘了,必须向她道歉。2.[C]辩解,辩护:an apology for innocence 为无罪作辩护

【用法】1.在现代英语中主要用作可数名词,只在少数表达中用作不可数名词(尤其见于…of apology这一结构):a letter of apology 道歉信 / a wordy expression of apology 拖泥带水的道歉 / He left without a word of apology. 他连一句道歉的话都没说就离开了。2.有时用复数形式,但并不表示多次道歉的意思:I made my apologies to my host and left early. 我向主人道过歉后提早离去。

