
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网



1. 含有分词的复合形容词



●Australia is a country which speaks English. (country 由定语从句修饰)


Australia is a country speaking English. (country 由现在分词短语修饰)

Australia is an English-speaking country. (country 由复合形容词修饰)

以上三个句子中,我们分别用了三种不同的方法修饰country,三种不同的修饰语与country的逻辑关系都是country speaks English,因为country是动作speak的发出者,按照修饰动作发出者用现在分词的原则,合成词应该使用English-speaking。然而短语spoken English (英语口语)是不同的,这个短语中被修饰词English是动作speak的承受者,因此,用过去分词spoken, 以上两种不同的逻辑关系必须分清。


●earthshaking changes = changes which shake the earth

翻天覆地的变化(changes 是动作shake的发出者)

UN peacekeeping forces=forces which keep peace

联合国维和部队(forces 是动作keep的发出者)

record-breaking destroy=destroy which breaks record 破记录的毁坏

peace-loving people= people who love peace爱好和平的

epoch-making decision=decision which makes epoch开新纪元的/划时代的决策

fine-sounding words=words which sound fine 甜言蜜语

soft-feeling materials=materials which feel soft 手感柔软的面料

good-looking gentleman=gentleman who looks good 仪表堂堂的男士

hard-working students=students who study hard刻苦读书的学生

far-reaching influence=influence which reaches far广泛深远的影响

easygoing person=person who goes easy 随和容易相处的人

well-being children=children who are well 健康的孩子

state-owned enterprises=enterprises which are owned by state国有企业

hand-made goods=goods which were made by hand 手工制品

heart-felt thanks=thanks which are felt by heart 衷心的感谢

fast-developing industry=industry which develops fast 高速发展的产业

highly-developed countries=countries have developed highly 高度发达的国家

newly-arrived visitors=visitors who have arrived newly 刚刚抵达的参观者

well-known university=university which is known very well著名的大学

ready-made clothes=clothes which are made and ready to be used做好的, 现成的衣服

self-employed person=person who is employed by oneself非受雇于人的,从事个体职业的人

snow-covered fields=feilds which are covered by snow白雪覆盖的田野

newly-built airport=airport which is built newly新建的飞机场


① 准确了解及物动词的分词与所修饰的名词关系,修饰动作发出者用现在分词表示主动,修饰动作承受者用过去分词表示被动。

② 准确了解不及物动词的所用时态,用现在分词表示主动含义或动作正在进行,用过去分词表示动作业已完成。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/170854.html
