
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


考点七: 数字运算类

考例: When will the plane probably take off? (2007湖南卷)

A. At 3:30p.m. B. At 3:40p.m. C. At 3:50p.m.

听力原文:M: I’m trying to get on Flight FA 3036. Am I on time?

W: Not exactly. It’s 3:20 now. But luckily for you, that flight’s been delayed.

M: I never thought I'd be happier about a delay, but hey that's great news.

W: Okay, just may I check your luggage and your tickets please.

M: Here you are. Which gate do I leave from?

W: Gate 38 but I'm sorry to tell you that it's been changed to gate 5 and your plane is taking off in 20 minutes.

M: Whoops, I've got to run with my two kids.

解析:现在时间为3: 20,女士说飞机将在20分钟之内起飞in 20 minutes.听到in表示加,起飞时间应为3: 40,因此答案为B。


(1) 要注意区分-teen和-ty 及four和 five 的读音;要能够辨别多位数,如电话号码,门牌号等。

(2) 计算时间、价格、距离、速度、年龄、人或物的数量等; 听懂数字间的关系,更要听清问题,因为对运算方法的考查通常寓于问题中; 注意数字运算有关的单词或短语; 注意时间是60进制, 还要注意百分数、倍数等的数量词。

常见的提问方式有: 1. How old is the man? / 2. How long does it take them to get there if they take plane? / 3. How did the man go to Japan? / 4. How did they feel about the train? / 5. How much will the woman pay…? / 6. How many people are there in…? / 7. Is her age fifteen or fifty? / 8. What’s the distance between…?

关键词: more, less, as much(many) as, another, double, a couple of, to, past, quarter, double, half, dozen, couple, thirty percent, three times, century, etc.

考点八: 态度评价类

考例: What does the woman think of the man? (2007湖南卷)

A. Lazy. B. Greedy. C. Curious.

听力原文:M: Hmm… I think I’ll have a chicken sandwich.

W: Okay, a chicken sandwich. Anything else?

M: Soup would be good. Yes, bring me tomato soup, and a salad and a chicken sandwich.

W: Fine, tomato soup, salad and a chicken sandwich. A piece of pie for dessert?

M: No, but you know I love cakes most. Bring me three cakes and some cookies too.

W: Cakes and cookies?

M: Right. That’s too much. Forget cookies. Just bring me the cakes and a glass of milk and some coffee and…

M: Still more? Why don’t I just bring back the whole café!

解析:对话中的男士因为要准备report所以请女士帮忙带外卖。女士中间说了A peace of pie for dessert?作为推荐, 但后来由于男士的要求太多而引起了她的不满。此外,通过对话中他?嗦的表现, 我们也可以看出他是个greedy贪心和贪吃的人。如果同学们不认得这个单词,同样可以采用排除法。Lazy懒的,他不是自己不愿意去,而是有事在身,curious好奇的, 与本题无关。因此答案为B。


a. 语音语调。英语中,语调主要有升调、降调两种,另外还有升降调和降升调。不同的语调表达不同的含义。例如,陈述句用升调表示说话者抱有迟疑、犹豫的态度;用降调表示肯定。反意疑问句如果反意部分是降调,就表示肯定,希望得到赞同或支持;反之,则表示征求对方的意见或不耐烦。

b. 提示词和关键词。考生可以根据一些提示性的语言或一些相关的词语进行判断,如 I think…; It seems to me that…; As far as I’m concerned, I could say…; It is / sounds true that...同时还要注意表示否定、转折和虚拟等含义的指示词。如,I’d be fired if I accepted your offer.所表达的是拒绝。

c. 从字里行间判断。录音材料的内容、材料中不会直接说明态度,但在字里行间会有渗透,考生在听懂对话的基础上,依据语气,充分理解其言外之意和所反映出来的态度。

常见的就语气而提问的问题有: What is the man’s / woman’s attitude toward the conversation? / How does the man / woman feel? / The man’s / woman’s feeling toward the subject can be best described as…?

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.com/gaozhong/214920.html
