Redrock Bay Health Club教案

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 网络

Unit3 Redrock Bay Health Club
本单元主要是要求学生能够用现在进行时表示一般将时,能够用be doing … 的结构回答关于某人最近几天计划或安排的问题。能够用be doing+将时间状语的结构询问他人最近几天的计划或安排。通过故事学习,让学生了解外国同龄学生业余生活情况,扩展国际视野,同时培养自己的业余爱好,参与体育活动,锻炼身体。通过本单元的学习,培养学生做事有计划的意识。在不同的国家与地区,学校学生的业余体育生活是不同的。通过本单元故事的学习,让学生了解不同国家的化差异。
Teaching Ais:
能够用现在进行时表示一般将时,能够用be doing … 的结构回答关于某人最近几天计划或安排的问题。能够用be doing+将时间状语的结构询问他人最近几天的计划或安排。
Teaching Ephasis:

Teaching Difficulty:
1.学生已经学过 “人称+will+动词原形”和“be going to”表示将的概念。而对于现在进行时表示将的用法会感到不习惯,容易混淆。


The 1st period
Teaching Ais:
1. The students can understand the story.
2. The students like to learn English.
3. The students can read the story.
Teaching Ephasis:
1.How to understand the story.
2.How to reeber soe neords.
Teaching Difficulty
How to understand the story and read the story.
Teaching process:
T: Have the children try to think soe phrases about the sports.
S: Try to think about the phrases.
T: Write the phrases on the blackboard and have the children read these phrases.
S: Read after the teacher.
Learn soe neords about sports.
T: Have the children look at the pictures and try to understand the word’s eaning.
S: Look at the pictures and try to think about these words.
T: Have the children read the words after the teacher.
S: Read the words after the teacher.
Set the scene
T: Ask the children what their plans are for this weekend and next week.
S: Try to answer the questions.
T: Tell the students in today’s story they are going to read about when the BINGO Kids visit a new health club in Redrock Bay.
Presentation of new language
T: Ask a question “What are you doing toorrow?”
S: Try to answer the question.
T: Write the sentences on the blackboard, have the children read the sentences after the teacher.
S: Read the sentences.
T: Have the children try to ake the sentences by theselves.
S: Try to do it.
T: Write these sentences on the blackboard, have the children try to understand the eaning.
S: Read these sentences.
Talk about the story.
T: Have the children look at the pictures and the teacher tells the story to the student.
S: Listen to the story and try to understand the story.
T: Have the children read the story by theselves and try to answer soe questions.
Read the story and answer the questions.
T: Explain soe difficult words.
Learn the story
T: Have the children read the story again and answer the questions.
What are the Bingo Kids doing at five o’clock on Saturday?
When is the tennis class?
S: Read the story and answer the questions.
T: Play the tape and have the children read the story after the tape.
S: Read the story after the tape.
T: have the children take roles and act out the story.
S: Try to do it.
Have the children listen to the tape and read the story after the tape.

The 2nd period

Teaching Ais:
1. The students can understand the neords and use the.
2. The students like to learn English.
3. The students can write the sentences.
Teaching Ephasis:
1.Learn the neords.
2.Try to review the story.
Teaching Difficulty
1. How review the story.
2. Ephasis neords.
Teaching process:
Review :
Review the story.
Learn the neords.
T: Have the children open their books at page28. Draw their attention to the top half of the page.
S: Open the books and look at the words.
T: odel the word and have the children repeat. Use the sae procedure with the other words in the picture.
S: Read the words after the teacher.
T: Let student read the words again.
S: read the words.
T: Let students listen to the tape and point the neords
S: listen and point. Repeat after the tape.
T: Have the children try to ake the dialogue use the neords.
S: ake the dialogue in pairs.
T: Have soe students read the dialogue.
Listen to this.
T: Have the children look at the pictures at the botto of the page. Explain that each of the pictures
S: Look at the picture.
T: Play the tape and have the children atch the pictures.
S: Listen to the tape and atch.
T: Play the tape again. Have the children repeat after the tape.
S: listen and repeat.
Words you know
T: Point to each picture and have the children try to speak out the sentences.
S: Look at the pictures and try to talk about the pictures.
T: Check the answer by having students volunteer to write the answer on the board.
S: Check the answer.
Read and coplete.
T: Have the children look at the tie expressions in the box on the right and explain they are going to coplete the sentences below using each of the expressions only once.
S: Read the tietable.
T: Have the children try to write the sentences by theselves.
S: Write the sentences.
T: Have soe students write the sentences on the blackboard.
S: Check the answer.
Hoework: Read the story.
Copy the neords four ties

